Very low verified links with Articles Engine
Hello friends, i'm getting very low verified links with Article Engines, i dont know why...
Today i submitted like 1000 and got only 1 verified...
My emails working fine (Yahoo) and proxies too.

I checked my submitted links and all links with same mensage: "Awaiting account verification".
(I already tried to run "Verifiy Only" and nothing...)
I really need to solve this
Today i submitted like 1000 and got only 1 verified...
My emails working fine (Yahoo) and proxies too.

I checked my submitted links and all links with same mensage: "Awaiting account verification".
(I already tried to run "Verifiy Only" and nothing...)
I really need to solve this

Also, make sure you've turned off all the spam-filters in your yahoo accounts.
All my emails is going to Inbox, but my Gsa not reading i think, see that image:
My emails is working, my proxies is working, using Captcha Breaker + Spamvilla, i dont know whatafuck is this...
15:29:14: [+] Found Data for 7 URLs. Now parsing, please wait...
15:29:14: [+] Found 1 URL(s) (0 verify, 0 login) for Drupal - Blog - in E-Mails
15:29:14: [+] Found 3 URL(s) (1 verify, 0 login) for Drupal - Blog - in E-Mails
15:29:14: [+] Found 2 URL(s) (0 verify, 1 login) for Wordpress Article - in E-Mails
15:29:14: [+] Found 2 URL(s) (1 verify, 0 login) for Moodle - in E-Mails
15:29:15: [+] Found 2 URL(s) (1 verify, 0 login) for Joomla - Blog - in E-Mails
15:29:15: [+] Found 3 URL(s) (2 verify, 0 login) for BuddyPress - in E-Mails
15:29:16: [+] Found 2 URL(s) (1 verify, 0 login) for Moodle - in E-Mails
15:29:16: [-] Verification (round 1) of BuddyPress not successful->removed -
15:29:16: [-] Verification (round 1) of Drupal - Blog not successful->removed -
15:29:16: [-] Verification (round 1) of Moodle not successful->removed -
15:29:16: [-] Verification (round 1) of BuddyPress not successful->removed -
15:29:16: [-] Verification (round 1) of vBulletin - Blog not successful->removed -
15:29:16: [-] Verification (round 1) of php Link Article-Login not successful->removed -
15:29:16: [-] Verification (round 1) of Question2Answer not successful->removed -
15:29:16: [-] Verification (round 1) of vBulletin - Blog not successful->removed -
15:29:16: [-] Verification (round 1) of BuddyPress not successful->removed -
15:29:16: [-] Verification (round 1) of Joomla - Blog not successful->removed -
15:29:16: [-] Verification (round 1) of BuddyPress not successful->removed -
You should consider to switch to Auto Approve list if you expect high verified rate.
The difference between my projects settings and yours is I don`t use proxies for email checking and verifications, I have quite good verification rate on contextuals, for some of them I have to wait 1-2 days if my articles are good enough (: but never had the problems you`ve described in my settings and lists.
Are you using verified list or scrapped one ?
Maybe the reason of that is in the list ?
@bestimtoolz i dont check Proxies in this option "Email Checking", i just followed what 1linklist said to me...
Anyway, i tried with my own scraped list, and tried too some verified list...