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Anchor Text Help

I purchased an article from Leading Articles earlier on today, but the issue is that if was more of a general one instead of being niche specific so my anchor text isn't included. So I edited the spintax to include a partial match of my keyword, but SER isn't using that to place the anchor text. Instead it is linking randomly in the article.

For example, anchor text is Product X Reviews. I edited the spintax to include Product X, in the hope that SER would place the anchor text so it made more sense when reading the article. However, this isn't the case.

How would I get SER to do what is outlined above?


  • SvenSven

    well it tries to locate "Product X Reviews" in the article, but only finds "Product X" and will not find it. However it might indeed be a good idea to search with partial words of the anchor.

    Till then you should just add %anchor_text% as macro. This will always work.

  • SvenSven
    just added this optimized search/replace for next version.
  • Thanks, Sven. I look forward to the next version.
  • Would it be possible to implement different macros for different types of anchor text?
    Instead of having only %anchor_text% to have %main_anchor_text%, %branded_anchor_text%, %domain_anchor_text% and so on.
    It would be great if it is possible to implement a combination of them too for example %main_anchor_text,domain_anchor_text% meaning that any of those two types of links can be placed there.
    Functionality of %anchor_text% can stay as it is meaning that any type of link can be placed there.
    I think that articles will be a lot more readable in this way because on some place of the articles only certain types of anchor text makes sense.
    Is this possible Sven?
  • SvenSven

    You have that already...





    And then you can as well use {%random_sanchor_text%| %random_anchor_text%} ... 

  • Are those four all types of macros for anchor text?
    What is placed on that field if there is not need for that type of anchor text in the submitted article? Only plain text with some of the possible text for the anchor or nothing is placed?
    Where is the URL anchor text placed if no URL text is found in the article?
  • SvenSven
    Maybe we misunderstood eachother. Those are macros reflecting the content of the project data. You can use them in articles or anywhere you like. banchor = branding, panchor = partial, lanchor = LSI, sanchor = secondary...
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