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just download & find url

edited October 2014 in New Engines/Platforms

Doc says: 
just download1 = Download the new URL and continue with STEP2 or finish the submission if nothing else should be done.

So "just download=1" is a requirment for using "find link" (no form page) ?


  • SvenSven

    yes and no.

    if you use find link/url and want to continue with step2 then you have to use "just download", else SER tries to stay on that step and find a form to submit using form name/id/url.

  • edited October 2014
    I am still confused.
    Here an exemple

    -> QUESTION 1:

    context: actual page is link0

    Find link:link1
    just download 1
    form name toto

    form name titi

    So, what form will be applyed on link1 (once redirected to that link destination), toto OR titi ?

    -> QUESTION 2:

    context: actual page is link0

    Find link:link1
    just download 0
    form name toto

    form name toto

    So, what form will be applyed on link1 (once redirected to that link destination), toto OR titi ?
  • SvenSven

    Q1: It will ignore the "form name" stuff and just download the content from the new link and move to [REGISTER_STEP2] doing a from submission to titi

    Q2: toto (tit is not used in STEP2 even though I think you wanted to write it there).

  • So, is there any case where using "find link" and "just download=o" is usefull?
  • SvenSven
    yes, when you want to find the link, download it and do the submission in one STEP. You can however split this up in two steps.
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