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Check Engines

When importing a list of urls.. there is the option to "check engines"

I'm confused about the usage.

SER will import and identify sites regardless so I'm not sure why I would check this box when I've scraped for targets and import them. Unless you have a raw list and want to check it for specific engines and only those get imported?

For example I have 4567 urls and I select check engines if I only want to import sites that SER identifies as WordPress Articles sites.

At the moment I check the box and everything. Which might be why it doesn't matter in my case.

I apologize for no screen shot in this post to be more specific but I do hope the description will suffice.


  • Infact, I had the same questtion...what does the check box do?

    Advanced > Tools> IMport URLS (identify platform and sort in) > file/clipboard
  • Do I need to check this box if I am sorting in a raw list that I've used footprints to scrap for?  Or will SER take care of it.  


    I'm just guessing here but I would think if you grabbed a list and wanted to ensure the sites sorted in were only WordPress or you wanted to save it as a custom file, you might select which engines to use.

    Otherwise not checking it, SER just tries to identify each URL and which engine it will belong to.
  • ronron
    Just process it with everything checked. Never use that sort and identify feature as I have heard countless times it sucks all the memory out of your PC.

    You want the scrapes to be figured out by SER on its own as it processes the targets.

    Let me back up...

    People get this stuff screwed up a bit. When you process scrapes - don't use real accounts!!! Use fake SER projects with non-existent URLs (so you don't hurt anybody). Or use Yahoo/Bing as they will never get hurt. Use these types of projects to process the scrapes.

    Then as these projects process the links, they get dropped into your verified list. At this point you can take your real projects and select "only Wordpress articles" or whatever. So you put restrictions on engines with the live projects, not the scrapes.

    Think about it. You just went through all of this trouble to come up with the scrapes. Don't waste all the other targets because you only want Wordpress (at the moment). Next week you might want another platform and engine, and you will have them waiting in your verified folder.

    Remember, you grow your verified folder through any number of methods: 1) Buy verified lists; 2) Scrape outside of SER and process your own targets; 3) Let SER find targets and process those.

    Your verified folder is your pot of gold. Have different methods to feed it. Periodically and regularly dedupe it on the URL and domain level. Then every so often shut down the other projects, and let a dummy project process all the verifieds to weed out the dead ones (have it write to an unused port like 'Deleted'). Then purge your verified folder, and copy paste the contents of the Deleted folder into your Verified folder, Now you have a fresh Verified folder with all live and functional targets. 

    Always keep that file pruned, get rid of dead branches, and grow that sucker. 
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