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Do Nofollow kitchen sink links help to index my contextual tiers?

Hey guys!

I am in the process of firing my kitchen sink links to my contextual tiers. I have built the whole project using a Red List from @Ron and the rest of the Serlists guys (awesome lists by the way). Does it matter if a lot of these kitchen sink links are not dofollow? About 90% are nofollow blog comments and i am wondering if these are useful or I should just uncheck the blog comments and aim for everything else instead.


  • ronron
    edited October 2014

    @bellathecat78 - There is some credit given to nofollow links despite what your gut might tell you. On lower level tiers I tend to just open the flood gates, otherwise the number of links you are able to make gets decreased substantially.

    I'm glad you are enjoying the lists  ;) 

  • bellathecat78bellathecat78 Cardiff, Wales
    Cheers Ron! Can't wait for the next list!
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