Important Messages Wrong Email Addresses
@Sven I noticed today some odd behaviour with important messages
I'm getting email issues from other projects showing in the wrong project.
e.g. I use catchall email, hotmails and yahoo addresses, but in each project I only have one type of email account.
So, when I click show important messages in a project that uses a catchall email address, the important message tells me it is having trouble with hotmail addresses or yahoo addresses.
Basically emails that aren't used by that project
I'm getting email issues from other projects showing in the wrong project.
e.g. I use catchall email, hotmails and yahoo addresses, but in each project I only have one type of email account.
So, when I click show important messages in a project that uses a catchall email address, the important message tells me it is having trouble with hotmail addresses or yahoo addresses.
Basically emails that aren't used by that project
I'll PM you with some examples