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My links have different anchor texts then seted up in the caimpagne


I just run 3 campaigns for a product launch in GSA and after one weak I checked the indexed links in majestic and there are totaly different anchor texts then those I set up in my campaigne.

I was using article, wiki, blog comment links and I bought a totaly fresh auto aprove list from the GSA forum.


  • SvenSven
    Not all engines will use your anchor text. Some will come up creating there own. If you do not want this, then uncheck the engines in project options.
  • Do you know what engines exactly are changing anchor texts?

    One of my blog comments was posted on a site where the owner wanted 5$ for my link (with a totaly different anchor text) to be remowed. Is there any possibility to awoid this sites?
  • SvenSven
    right click on the engine selection box and you can uncheck all engines not using your anchor.
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