LOUSY number of verifieds
I'm breaking my head over this problem which appeared over the last couple of days. VERY few links are getting verified on my projects. Here's a screenshot of some test projects:

Take a look at URL test 6. With all engines checked, over 9000 URLs have been submitted in just 4 hours. But the number of verified links is just 126.
The "Scraped URL test" was running for a couple of hours yesterday until it got to 2000 submitted. After that I set it to "Active (Verify Only)" and for the last 24 hours it has verified maybe 50 URLs. Now all the URLs are timing out and the submitted count has gone down from 2000 to 1200 and still decreasing.
What the hell is happening here?
Some help would really be appreciated.

1. I scraped with permutations of very generic footprints from footprint factory. Thus I am probably hitting a lot of legit sites with people who are knowledgeable enough to moderate spam using Akismet - real websites with real admins and real visitors - heavily moderated both manually and automatically.
2. I put in my own article, but all the other fields are default SER spintax (instant Akismet flag)
Previously when I was first doing this thing, I had remarkable success with my own scrpaed list (20000 submitted and 12000 verified out of 300000 unique domains). I naturally assumed that I would get this kind of success with ANY scraped list. But no, repeated failures have told me that HOW you scrape matters a lot for success.
Ultimately, I think I have decided that scraping my own lists is such a slog and probably not for me at this point. I am probably going for @loopline 's list service, create some parasites and focus on actually making some money before delving deeper into the whole scraping thing.
OTOH, I haven't tested whether this problem is still there with a verified list - all the above are just assumptions. If the problem occurs with a verified list as well, I guess I will completely uninstall and reinstall SER and try again.
For example you noted default SER text, that could be an issue, your proxies, your captcha solving, your program options/filters, your project options/filters, there are about 100 things or more that could conflict with each other.
I mean if you want to do a backup of that test project and upload it we can take a look at the settings and give you some pointers. Also some screenshots or a video of the program options (or you can back this up and share it to, just remove your proxies and any text captcha apis etc... before you do so).
If possible can I also send you my scraped list (300000 domains)? If you can take the time to test the list, I would really be grateful. That will help me to pinpoint whether the problem is with the list or something else.
Sure, I can test the list as well. However Ive got a hundred things going that I don't want to shut down, so I would just run it along side them. Meaning it might be a slow test and I wouldn't have a rapid fire response on it for you, but I can test the 300K domains.
You could do an initial test of them as well by using the identify and sort in to identified list. Then if you find that SER isn't compatible with most of the list, you have your answer. But feel free to send over the projects and list.