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1) As no question captcha api allow other langage than english, I need a way to build my own api.
Any way i can plug my own api to Ser ?

2) Workaround: i can DNS resolve askmebot  as localhost (host file), and receive&answer questions with my own bot. 
Could you please give me specification for question&answer ? so i can dev my bot ?


  • SvenSven

    1+2. Only if you modify the host file and use one of the supported text captcha service's APIs. I don't know if Im allowed to give that away so better use the De-Captcher api that also supports text captchas. You have to add SpamVilla as captcha service and check the box to use it also for text captchas.

  • edited September 2014
    I thing  De-Captcher & SpamVIlla will not offer french captcha question, but anyway, i ask them and come back.

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