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Unique domains


I have a list of 100 k domains scraped with G scraper after dupe URL and domains removed. However today in 3 hours and 4k links built only 120 are unique domains. This is lower than yesterday ( about 2k links and 390 unique domains). I even changed it
for a while to not allow posting to same site within 20 minutes (hoping it would look for other sites) but it continued to keep posting to the same few? Any ideas what causes this?
I did try uploading a fresh list but it still kept posting to the URLs which were on the old list??


  • s4nt0ss4nt0s Houston, Texas
    Do you have "allow posting on same site again" checked in the project options?

    You can always right click on your project > modify project > clear target URL cache. That will erase your previously imported list so you can import your fresh new list.
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