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Proxy Type Option in GSA Ser.

Hi, I see that in the option>submission>configure>list where we put proxy in the GSA there are few tabs in which one is "Type" i see that my private proxies are shown Trans type as i found another post here in GSA forum where sven said it is not refereed to transparent or anonymous. It it refereed the way proxy connect.

I am sorry but i did not find any information on Google which describe proxy connect way.
What i know is there are several type of proxy server and i think two type of proxy HTTP and Socks may be there are more like ftp proxy not sure.

And the proxy server are
Transparent Proxy
Anonymous Proxy
Distorting Proxy
High Anonymity Proxy

So what does Type of proxy are meant to here in GSA?
What is full forum of Trans in the GSA Type section?
I found all my private proxy are Trans type and public proxy are Web, Trans and Socks4 type. 
What does Type section refer? Is it refer to protocol supported by proxy?

@sven can you please tell me what it is. I found your answer in other thread where you said "TRANS means it is a CONNECT type of proxy. It has nothing to do with how anonymous it is." I did not find anywhere about proxy connect type what does it mean?


  • SvenSven
    TRANS means transparent but is describing a proxy that will allow you to connect with the CONNECT method to it by the http protocol and once connected, you get the ability to send and use it for none http protocols as well.
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