LazyBlue -Ultimate SER Projects/Tiers Creation/Editing & Helper Tool! + Some BLM features
Hey guys, My name’s Dennis P.
I’ve been using SER for months now, and everything works nicely except that for my and a number of people’s needs, I wanted a way to GREATLY increase my productivity and save more time with my SER tasks. Specifically, I wanted to :
- bulk duplicate and create “TENS and HUNDREDS” of SER projects and tiers in just mere minutes
- bulk import article, URLs and data to a number of projects and tiers (split URLs too to different projects)
- easily change/edit options/keys values of a number of projects, and do the edits with more confidence(making sure that I edit the correct keys/values)
- Manage my BLM(Inspyder Backlink Monitor) tasks, which includes running the BLM runs, synchronizing my BLM & SER, etc.
- and a whole lot more.
I then created a tool(previously known as “GSA-helper” – yeah I know, it should be ‘SER’) to help me with all the repeating tasks that I do when creating/duplicating/editing ser projects and assigning data & articles.
Now around May 2014, I shared this little tool that I made on a private forum, and it was well-received! I even have gotten a number of donations, which I’m really thankful for.
Here are some feedback:
Testimonial #1: If you “were” active in senuke forum, you might have read Tops very useful thread there. Here’s one of his feedback:
Testimonial #2:
(other testimonials can be found further below)
So introducing and releasing this to the public:
“Lazy Blue”
Ultimate SER Projects/Tiers Creation, Editing and Helper Tool!
It has also evolved to cater the different needs of different users.
Greatly Increase Productivity, Do More Tasks, Save Valuable Hours/Time!
Video Overview can be found at the website
This has saved a lot of time for its users and greatly increased productivity! Imagine creating, duplicating and modifying a lot of tiers/projects with this tool! Create or edit a lot of tiers/projects in minutes! You can have more time doing other tasks. Users are creating/editing HUNDREDS of SER projects in just minutes! Now the good part is, you can also use this tool depending on your needs. Using SCM/KM/WAC/ACW or other article creators/generators/curators that can export to SER’s datafields file format? You can bulk import it too! For your projects, are you using verified urls from another project? No problem with that. You can even automatically build bulk tiers! I have also added some feature to easily edit ser projects ‘options’ values by just selecting from a combobox. Do you frequently change your ‘site list type’? LazyBlue can help you to easily edit that. It is also flexible for your own configurations.
Here are its current features:
Projects creation/edit features
- Bulk Duplicate Projects
- Bulk Create Projects
- Create Bulk Tiers – Easily create your Tier projects!
- Importing Data to Projects – from SCM, KM, WAC, ACW using ser-compatible datafields file
- Importing Data to Projects – from ArticleBuilder through ArticleManager/ArticleStorage
- Importing Data to Projects – Using the Boxes
- Easier Edit of ser projects’ Options values
- Comparer feature that will show the changes that you’ve done to your projects. I’m using this when I’m changing projects options values to verify my changes. Edit Options with Confidence.
- Restore back-up project files
- Bulk Engines Checker/Unchecker
- Schedule Maintenance Tasks(e.g. auto-change emails after x days/hours/minutes)
Instructions and more infos can be found here:
ArticleManager(focus on ArticleBuilder) features
If you are using ArticleBuilders articles, then you’ll definitely need this! If you are using articles from SCM, KM or other content generators, then you can use the bulk import datafields feature of above. For your AB account, you are allowed 400 credits for web and API usage per day. Using link building tools, most are also getting articles through AB’s API, which leaves the web credits unused. So what if you can harvest these 400 + 400 credits from API and web, and store it in your machine for future use? I’m building a lot of projects, and it is really annoying when I reach the ‘AB max limit’. With this feature of harvesting and storing AB articles, I can now assign lots of articles when I create my projects. Easily doing a ‘BULK’ assign articles to a lot of SERprojects without waiting for SER to get the articles from articlebuilder is also great!
- ArticleBuilder Storage
- Assigning Articles from Storage above to the ser projects
More can be found here:
Backlink Monitor features(For now, I’m including this to LazyBlue, but marking it as in Alpha stage. This is very workable now and I’m always using this)
I’m using Inspyder Baclink Monitor(BLM) for savings my links and selecting the links that I want to build backlinks with SER.
- My Own BLM Scheduling – BLM Sequential Runs per Batch(Run BLM Projects one after the other)
- Automatically Export Verified URLS from ser projects, and automatically add those backlinks to the target BLM project
- Ser Project URLs Validator (with BLM) – check and remove dead urls/links in ser projects
- BLM Delete Dead URLS/Links after X Runs
More can be found here:
Testimonial #3:
Testimonial #4:
Testimonial #5:
Testimonial #6:
Testimonial #7:
Testimonial #8:
Testimonial #9:
