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Re-verify backlinks every...Does it work right?

I've been using this feature recently and when I do I see all the back links I create just wither away :(

So I wanted to see if this actually works right...

I compared the new URL list, after this feature ran, with the old URL list before the feature ran and here is what i found:

When going through the list, i found plenty of sites that GSA removed that were still online...

So whats the deal here? Why does it delete good URL's from the verified list?

Also, I can see this as a problem because when building your global site lists its taking away perfectly good target sites.

Just wanted to see what other people's experiences have been with this feature.


  • SvenSven
    could be a proxy issue or server one....hard to say.
  • ronron
    @Live4TheRisk - Yes, you will get a bunch of false positives where the websites and links really exist, but there is line noise, server timeout, too much bandwidth, 403, etc. And that happens a lot more than you think.

    In addition to the above (which is the bulk of the problem), proxies can hit a stress point and blip out on the connection.

    Then on top of all of that, you have software (think of all the SEO linkbuilding software out there) doling out hundreds and hundreds of connections simultaneously. Tell me something can't go wrong on that end as well, right?

    I had to deal with this issue exhaustively with Scrapebox for *years* - and it will be present with any linkbuilding software that then goes out and checks the links. There will be line noise, server timeouts, bandwidth errors, proxy hiccups - and they all will cause a serious issue if you re-verify and delete links not found.

    So this is not a SER problem. It is a problem beyond SER's control. So what do you do?

    After years of dealing with this with Scrapebox, I came to the conclusion that I should not re-verify links. I kept cutting off live branches in my attempt to cut off dead branches.

    I reached a point where I was ok with the dead branches. I view it as a business cost - the cost I must pay so that I don't kill off perfectly fine links.

    So I have to build a few more links to dead branches - I say so what? The best part is I never think about this issue again, and I have stopped driving myself insane over these types of details.

    Anyway, I just gave you my answer to something I have been dealing with for 6 years haha.
  • HAHAH.

    Isn't it great when you write it out you just get the answer yourself.

    Thank you so much for this detailed response.
  • What im doing right now is checking manually my tier 2 links and mass delete the site that often tend to be exausted, deletes links. For tier 3 just forget about checking links.
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