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Version 1.10 crashes during start

edited September 2014 in GSA URL Redirect PRO
Dear @Sven,

after updating to 1.10 i get an Error Box during start

An Error Occurred in the application

When i click 
- continue the box disappear and come back in seconds
- restart. the same happen again and again

Can only close 
Bug report is not send… now send from inside the App

Uninstalled and reload a new version from Server and the same happens to me.

BUT when i wait for more then 2 minutes the software comes up

When i open the proxy window, i can resize the window but the OK button and the part with the other button are lost during resize of window

I have to set up every time again after restart

Please advise


  • SvenSven
    update to 1.11 and let me know if this fixes things for you.
  • Everything is working now…

    Thanks for your fast help
  • SvenSven
    so you used your own custom URL shorteners....feel free to share it ;)
  • I tried to scrape them with ScrapeBox, but i have to wipe the trash out. I have to look for footprints next time…

    so i think this list isn't that good

    BTW, what happend with failed sites, does the Software erase them from the list?
  • SvenSven
    no it keeps it
  • OK… did it try to use them every time or knows it that it failed before…
  • SvenSven
    it tries to use it every time.
  • Thanks for your late night help
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