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Implementation of proxy save to list and parsing input

Wondering how often SER,RPRO proxy module saves new proxies to file and also how the importing of proxies from file works and if this can be updated on a schedule.  I switched my proxy checking/gathering over to Redirect pro and was hoping to have that do the proxy work then have SER open the created text file to parse more proxies when needed. 


  • SvenSven

    the file is saved after each new scrapping/testing

    import from file as well according to those settings.

  • edited September 2014
    I see it saving without problem but it seems to only pull from the file initially or if added manually but only the one time. I may be doing it wrong so I made a very brief screencast of my settings.
    You will see parsed 2218 proxies, this never changes.
  • SvenSven
    in the proxyprovider screen...did you really add a new proxy service? The first item is selected but not checked.
  • Sorry Im not following you? Im only adding the proxy list created with redirect pro into ser thereby having redirect pro doing the proxy work feeding into ser, well thats my intention. Is this what your referring too ?
  • SvenSven
    the checkbox on that provider (you used the first one and chnaged from URL to a file type) has to be checked in the box on the left.
  • aah ok i get it now, thanks for clearing that up
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