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Its just not working, Now what is our next step.

After months and months of domain purchasing and trying to rank like before its just not working, and I need to come to the realization that its not gonna work. Maybe, JUST MAYBE It might be me. Is anyone else succeeding in 'churn n burn' method? 

My Process

Buy Domain >> BLAST GSA BACKLINKS TO DOMAIN >> AND Some Tier 2 Blast.. I used to rank like this within 2 weeks before, now its just not working? anyone else ranking like this? if not but ur ranking keywords and stuff and you mind explaing how u do it? I will appreciate it a bunch! 


  • Sure its working. But not the way it used before. Google changes all the time. If you are smart you fill figure the way to do it. You cant just buy a domain and blast the sheet out of it.
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