Verification is barely working - "Network Subsytem is unusable" (not answered, hit wrong button)
I'm going to try and give as much information as I can to start. I know that Sven and others need "facts" in order to troubleshoot issues. I HOPE THERE IS A FIX TO THIS. VERY FRUSTRATING!
1. I'm building only contextual links with articles, social bookmarks, web 2.0, and wiki's. I've clicked "uncheck engines that don't use contextual links"
2. My submissions are going through just fine but the verification process is what seems to be the problem.
3. A week ago I ran a project with the exact same settings as the projects in question. I obtained 390 verified contextual links and it took about 24 hours as I'm not running a pre-built list and just allowing GSA to build as it goes.
4. I've been running 1 project for 4 days now and I have only 100 verified links.
5. I keep getting the message below in the image for all of my emails. I know the emails are good as I've tested them. I have brand new proxies from buyproxies and they are tested as working fine.
Please help! Anyone. I'm not a power user of GSA but I do make a few bucks providing basic services and this is really affecting what I'm able to do.

For me, I noticed the drop off in verified links Wednesday. I paused the campaign until this morning. GSA has been running about 2.5 hours and I have 60 submissions with 2 verified links. I would be happy to share my setup with screen shots if it would help.
I'm going to swap out my emails and see if that helps. Will post back if I learn anything through some testing.