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Blogspot Links Mass Deleted

I've noticed that nearly 100% of my blogspot links are removed fairly quickly after they are verified. I'm wondering if anyone has tested or knows a workaround?

Is it based solely on the comments or domain or both? I could definitely see google mass deleting comments if gets 5000 comments in one day.

If so, would something such as 301 nuke help comments to stick since you would be turning each URL into xxx amount of URLS?


  • looplineloopline
    You would have to try it and see, experimenting is crucial in this game.  Because google can easily parse those domains to see where they redirect to, as they would have to parse them anyway in order to pass any link juice. 

    That said, if it does not work, you could test using blogspot only in higher tiers.  That way you are not building links to but rather all your various tier 1 domains or tier 2 domains and that would give you a lot of domain diversity, while still being able to use blogspot to garner links and juice. 
  • Yeah I get you and actually had been trying that as an option to, along with url shorteners, but with no luck. I'm pretty sure after further studies it's based per IP. So if I have 1000 comments from one IP (whether proxy or not) it's going to get mass deleted just the same.

    I'm a member of your live sync service as well. I've checked MANY providers lists manually for blogspot links and can't find much evidence of their link still existing either. I've just been completely avoiding all blogspot comments and will have to continue to do so.  It just sucks cuz blogspot makes up a MAJORITY of providers lists in regards to unique domains.
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