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I need to refresh and activate some project from command line


I need to refresh GSA to show my imported project and make it active, all of this by command line, its possible?


  • SvenSven
    sendmessage(<handle of SER>, 1042, 0, 0);
  • @Sven can you please give more information about what you said...


  • @botman, I think what sven said is enough already. Just create something that calls the 'sendmessage' from windows. then also get the ser handle, and send the WM_USER + xx = 1042. I think that's self-explanatory
  • dmrt i have no idea what are you talking about. Would you mind explain more detailed please...

    How we can control SER from command line, as this was OP asked...
  • One of the best ways to do this is to restart GSA SER gracefuly with nircmd:

    Here is an example batch file for use in Windows. Make sure nircmd is in the same directory as the batch file. Copy and paste this and save as restart_gsa.bat

    ECHO Attempting to close GSA SER gracefully...
    nircmd closeprocess Search_Engine_Ranker.exe 
    nircmd wait 20000
    ECHO 2000 milliseconds waited...
    taskkill /F /IM Search_Engine_Ranker.exe /T
    nircmd wait 20000
    ECHO 2000 milliseconds waited...
    cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\GSA Search Engine Ranker\"
    START Search_Engine_Ranker.exe -autostart
  • coneh34d said is correct if you are looking for something that you can just run through command line.
  • @sven that sendmessage is for refreshing?
    How to make some specific project (the new one that shows when refresh) to be the active one?

    Thanks all for your help :)
  • I did not found the active project in the ini file, where are they stored?
  • SvenSven
    @yenerich sendmessage is a windows api and that particular message 1042 with no parameters is telling SER to refresh it's listing.
  • edited August 2014
    @sven Yes, i am a programmer, i know about SendMessage, thanks. In fact i already test it, thanks.

    The only thing i havent found is how to set one project as active or inactive.
    Maybe another message, a command line or some change in some ini file?
  • SvenSven
    you have to set that in the project file itself before doing a refresh.
  • @Sven in the .prj file? Where?
  • SvenSven


    last status=...

  • edited August 2014
    @Sven,thanks :)

    I saw all project (active and inactive) to have last status=64.
    Which is the active?
  • SvenSven
    you can as well write "last status=active"
    Thanked by 1Deeeeeeee
  • You are the man!! :)
  • To change project from active to inactive, what should we change last status= to? I have tried 0, 64, Inactive, and inactive.

    If anyone or @Sven knows, please let me know too :-)

    Thank you for the support.
  • SvenSven
    use this:
    prj_mode_normal=0; prj_mode_verify_only=1; prj_mode_verify_email_only=2; prj_mode_site_list_only=4; prj_mode_pause=8; prj_mode_stopping=16; prj_mode_search_only=32; prj_mode_search_verify=prj_mode_search_only or prj_mode_verify_only; prj_mode_inactive=64; prj_mode_del_links=128; prj_mode_reverify=256; prj_mode_del_links_from_file=512;
    Thanked by 1andrzejek
  • Sven said:
    sendmessage(<handle of SER>, 1042, 0, 0);

    Hello @Sven - sorry to revive such an old thread. I'm using Python's win32api to refresh the SER project list after externally generating a new .prj file:

    win32api.SendMessage(hwnd, 1042, 0, 0)

    Works to refresh the project list, but this causes all the running GSA projects to come to a stop. Can I start GSA again without closing/reopening the executable - or even better check the current state of "Start" or "Stop" first so that I can set it back to the original state?

    Thank you

  • Well, seems there's a brain-dead simple solution to this. Just calling it twice. That will reset GSA to it's original state - Started or Stopped. LOL

    Thank you
  • zentech said:
    Well, seems there's a brain-dead simple solution to this. Just calling it twice. That will reset GSA to it's original state - Started or Stopped. LOL

    Thank you
    @Sven any chance to have an API to refresh projects without having to stop them all? This is not optimal.
  • SvenSven
    why stop? Any change of a project will result in a reload of it.
  • Sven said:
    why stop? Any change of a project will result in a reload of it.
    I just tried setting last status=64 in the project file and am waiting for it to stop. I’m wondering why last status= appears three times in the project file?
  • andrzejek said:
    Sven said:
    why stop? Any change of a project will result in a reload of it.
    I just tried setting last status=64 in the project file and am waiting for it to stop. I’m wondering why last status= appears three times in the project file?
    Well the project did not automatically reload and did not stop.
  • SvenSven
    yea thats a bug from previous version, the first entry has to be changed, rest can be ignored. However, a change on the status is not really doing any difference. It will reload the project when it is running, but not change the status. This is just saved to be able to set a project to the same status on the restart of the program.
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