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Using Wicked Article Creator with GSA SER... Some questions

Hi guys. I have some basic questions about using WAC with GSA SER.

1. Can I use the same super-spun article from WAC in multiple tiers? Will this cause the article to be unspinned the same way for each tier, leading to the same content being used in each tier, which will result In duplicate content?

2. How many unique articles can a super-spun article generated from X number of lines generate (with light and heavy phrase level spinning)?

3. Generally, what kind of settings should I use for tier 1, tier 2, tier 3, etc. Also (related to first question) do I need to re create the content using WAC for each tier, even if using same lines?

Also, one more unrelated question: everybody talks about the importance of having great site lists for GSA. But what are site lists really useful for? I guess they would be useful for blog comments, track backs, etc., because you need blogs to comment on. But for web2s, wikis, articles, social bookmarks, directories, etc. aren't we essentially creating our own content pages on otherwise generic sites? Why do you need site lists for that?

Thanks. I hope I wasn't confusing in the way I worded the questions.


  • SvenSven
    1. a total random version is created. However SER tries to make a version where the choosen anchor text is present.
    2. up to the X...can not calculate that for you
    3. seo related question

  • 1 I would suggest to use different content for eatch tier.
    2 thats shouldnt be an issue
    3 t1 best quality you can offer ; t2 good or decent quality and t3 decent quality

    This is for best results ofc .....not for short term results.
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