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Capture Breaker 2.68 bugs

I'm evaluating Capture Breaker v 2.68 and facing such bugs:
1)  There are "recogntion log" in the bottom of main window - seem's like it shows wrong time (seem's like it shows HH.MM.MM instead of HH.MM.SS)
2)  I'm posting captcha to /gsa_test.gsa. I wrote simple code in C# to send same PNG 100 times in loop. Surprise - some attemps are failed ("recogntion log" shows whole white rectangle instead original capture). Seems like there are some racing conditions on my slow Intel Atom Netbook (adding 1 seconds delay between attempts solve the problem)... My source is here


  • SvenSven

    1) where exactly? I had a look at source but it's always hh:mm:nn (nn is your ss).

    2) what types of captchas do you send?

  • 1) I doesn't have your source - i'm looking at bottom in main window. There are really 1 seconds delay between I send captcha to captcha breaker (but all of them are shown as 23:26:26image
  • 2) the captcha is custom.
    ;###### just some information for the user

    ;name of the system that uses this captcha
    engine name=CORAL

    ;what type is this engine (e.g. Guestbook, Social Boomark, Blog...)
    engine type=RSS

    ;a small description

    ;how good is this setup to break the captcha in percent?
    success rate=66

    ;accept results where the chars are different but look the same like O=0
    accept same looking chars=1

    ;a image to show as sample
    sample captcha=.\15042.png

    ;a sample site that uses this...
    sample url=

    ;a icon that we should display in list (else we use the icon of the category)
    icon file=

    ;###### how to identify the captcha to this setup

    ;other names that external software might use as platform (seperate by ,)
    ;this is for programs that send the platform to us with the captcha image to make
    ;identification easier
    alternative names=

    ;dimensions that this captcha has... e.g. 100x40, 100-200x40-50
    image dimension=150x50

    ;can be gif, jpg, png, bmp (leave empty to accept all)
    image type=png

    ;if all the above methods still match more than one setup
    ;we analyse the background colour and match it against the one in the list
    ;it's a hex value with RRGGBB (red, green, blue)
    main background color=F8F8FF, 000000, 7C7C7F, EBEBF2, 070707, 111111, FF1010, 191919, 303031, FC7C7F, DEDEE5, 242425, 3F3F41, FAAAAF, FD3E40, 383839, 646467, FE1F20, F9D9DF, FB9B9F, D6D6DC, 474749, F9CDD3, C4C4CA, FABABF

    ;###### setting for the OCR

    ;what charsets are used in that captcha...
    ;by default its A-Za-z0-9 and some symbols. Add them all and no ranges

    ;how short/long is the word that the captcha is delivering
    min length=5
    max length=5

    ;what orc to use (auto (all), gocr, cube, tesseract, [more to follow])
    ocr to use=auto

    ;when more than one OCR seems to deliver a good result we have to decide which one to take
    ;usually this is done automatically but for some engines it makes sense to set it fixed.
    prefered ocr=OCR2

    ;after the ocr engine delivers a result we might want to change certain things...
    ;ocr replace=A;4|B;8|C;0
    ;ocr remove="captcha presented by xyz"

    ;maybe the captcha has always one char that is always present...
    ;thats the case for math captchas e.g....if that + or - sign in not there we have a wrong result
    ;ocr must have=+|-

    ;instead of using OCR we use a fixed hash for each char that we compare
    use fixed chars=0

    ;when "use fixed chars=1" is used, we might still try to solve by filters (useful for programs that reencode
    ;to jpg with low quality and noise in resulting image)
    try to solve by filter=0

    ;instead of using OCR we make a crc32 of the image and compare it with the one we have stored
    use fixed results=0
    use min size=0
    min size=3319
    use max size=0
    max size=4606
    use mask chars=0

    ;this is an advanced option where you can make a CRC32 of a fixed image (file content) and
    ;set a result here. syntax: =
    ;make sure you remove the comment of this section if you use this

    ;the real thing starts here...

    [fixed chars]
    box start x=0
    box start y=0
    box height=42
    box width=42
    apply image filters=0
    try to solve by filter=0

    [mask chars]
    try to solve by filter=0
    apply image filters=1
    min match score=70
    -uniquebg FFFFFF
    -blur 2
    -unsharp 6
    -scale 202,0%
    -threshold 50,0%

  • this is how "racing condition" effect looks like (trust me I'm reading whole capthca into memory then just post them into loop so there are no way I send white rectangle instead actual captcha)
  • SvenSven
    OK will have a look. Can you send me the captchas you submit to it?
  • SvenSven
    the time is indeed wrong and I have fixed that for next update.
  • In my test I'm posting only one picture as captcha

  • can't find filter documentation ;(
    I need to remove "red" scratches from captcha. I need to replace all pixels where R > E0 and G < A0 with white
    how to do this?
  • SvenSven
    use exchange colour
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