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"Proxy blocked" and "Proxy might be blocked"

I'm having problems with GSA and proxies.

I have 20 semidedicated proxies from buyproxies and 5 private ones from myprivateproxy.

When I test them against google, they work fine, but when I run my project I see A LOT of messages like "proxy (ip) blocked" or "proxy (ip) might be blocked" and "download failed"

Also, when I test it, sometimes there are 22 working, sometimes 25, sometimes 21, so it is not accurate.


  • semi dedicated = used by others.

    So it is correct, some of the proxies may be used by other people on SEO tools, so a few may be banned from time to time and then the ban will be lifted (as it is a temporary ban).

    So, it is accurate. If you don't want the issue, then get some dedicated private proxies.
  • Ok it is accurate or not is not important at all, but how can I solve the messages "proxy (ip) blocked" and "proxy (ip) might be blocked" ?
  • goonergooner
    You can do the following:

    - Get more proxies
    - Get dedicated/private proxies
    - Increase wait time between search queries
    - Increase number of search engines you are using
    - Increase HTML timeout

    All of those things should help, some more than others.
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