I Just Want To Burn & Churn :-)
Hey all!
As the thread says I just basically want to burn and churn sites in my niche as in that time I can bank some good money!
My question is with GSA what is the best way now with the new Penguin/Sandbox updates? Are the days gone where you can just throw 10000's links a day at a project?
Iv read through the forum and most post are pre before the latest updates, so just want to know if anyone is still having any luck? @ron @gooner
I was thinking 301 Nuke and then spam them links to death, looking at other sites in the niche, you can see there all doing Blackhat/spam techniques...
Any advice would be appreciated!
Im still testing and so far no luck churning and burning to page 1 within a week. Now rankings take over a month to see results. Page 1 rankings are on lock down.
Test for yourself and check out top competition niches and you will see.
seo is dead guys, move on.