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Keywordsa. The best techniques


Its better to submit a laaaaaaarge list of keywords (even some non related but that will find a lot of results) or a few strongly related.
I am making PR+1 links


  • SvenSven
    i would only use project related keywords...others have different opinions though.
  • Thanks for your opinions.

  • I don't think you should use relevant keywords as, if you're like me, and just want contextual links then it's usually on sites that have nothing to do with anything, and you're creating a new page/post/article/wiki/video so the more random the keywords used for searching the better.

    I use over 1 million random keywords pulled from a file using %spin folder% macro. Coupled with extra footprints and you make SER much more powerful. 

    Just my $0.02 and from my experience.
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