Scvhost Consuming More CPU Than GSA When GSA SER is Running?

CPU: AMD Athlon II X4 631 Quad Core 2.6GHz
OS: Windows 8.1 Pro fully updated
Internet Connection: 50 Mbps / 50 Mbps
I'm runnning GSA SER, GSA SEO Indexer and Captcha Breaker for months on this PC. Until a few days ago I was running it with only 20-30 proxies and 100 threads max. This was always ok and CPU usage was never more than 10%. Yesterday I bought 100 proxies and I increased it to 250 threads. I was expecting a significant rise in CPU usage, but not this much. My CPU goes to about 99% most of the time. But the funny thing is that GSA is only using about 30-40% most of the time and 60% at max. The other percentage is used by svchost.exe. It uses more than GSA SER whenever I start GSA. When the LpM is around 10 CPU lowers to 50%. But when the LpM reaches 20+ it goes to 99% again with svchost taking up the biggest part in the CPU usage.
Is this normal? I'm accessing this PC through Remote Desktop and here are the details of the svchost service using up the CPU in Task Manager:

I hope this is not related to Remote Desktop somehow because it doesn't make sense. I use remote destkop all the time and while GSA SER is not running Remote Desktop does not take up so much resources. It is only when GSA SER runs when svchost starts hoggin up the CPU. And just to clarify, it is not like this ALL the time, there are times when GSA SER takes more of the CPU usage, but still svchost takes a significant portion of it. It is around they get 60:40, then some time 50:50 and other times 40:60. And the overall CPU usage varies from 60-99%, but there are times when it gets to 99% and it goes like that for hours.
Any opinions, suggestions on this?