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#trans_no Some text here #notrans not working

edited July 2014 in Bugs
Hi @Sven,

I am trying to setup a project to create WEB2.0 but i would like to translate the content to Norwegian before and i saw that there should be a macro:

#trans_de Some text here #notrans

i did change it to

#trans_no Some text here #notrans

when testing, in the project, i see that it do not get translated, as well in Articles manager >> preview; so i did run a test and tried to actually post a post to see if the tool is translating the test but it dose not.

can you please help me with this? let me know if you need anymore DATA/info.


  • SvenSven
    translation is done by G. translator api. Maybe your proxy/IP is banned on it?
  • this is a possibility, I will test. thx
  • you are right, when proxies/IP get Google banned the translation stop working and submit in original article language, I have 50 dedicated proxies :(
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