Captcha retry
Is that function working for you guys? I have a global setting for captcha sniper - but in a certain project I wanted to increase accuracy and set option cutom retry to 20 - but I still cannot see like 20 catpcha retry in cs.
Otherwise can we somewhere set to download a page more than one time? I could also solve that issue of retries.
Otherwise can we somewhere set to download a page more than one time? I could also solve that issue of retries.
CS is almost always replying with a result. No matter if the length looks OK or the answer itself if in any defined allowed char set. So almost no retry is done as it can always answer something.
For CB it's different, it will see that the found solution is not in any way correct or looking good to send back. It will send nothing back and SER will try to get another captcha (the retry) setting unless it has downloaded one that is solvable.
Well CB solve rate is better then CS even though you will hear the opposite from the CS guys. Do some tests yourself and you will quickly see the results.
Anyway the retry on a failed captcha solution is 3 by default inside SER and can not be changed.