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How to ask different projects to use different captcha service if I have 3 services going on?

I currently have 3 captcha services going on in my SER, GSA captcha breaker, reverseproxyocr and deathbycaptcha.

How can I tell my projects to do the following:
- for project 1, only use service 1 and service 2, and no more.

In the project, we can choose to use 1st service, or 2nd service or all services only. But I want to keep DBC for only my contextuals which are the important ones that I am willing to spend a bit of money on it. Is there a way of doing this?


  • SvenSven
    Right now you can not set this up. Either 1, 2, none or all
  • @qwiz, use can use ReverseOCR as an external service in CB.

    Hence in SER->Options->Captcha
    #1 GSA-CB (with ReverseOCR as external service in CB)
    #2 DBC

    For non-contextual projects, "Ask 1st service to fill captchas".

    For contextual projects, "Ask all service to fill captchas".

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