Duplicate multiple times a project
(URL and Domain Deduped!) GSA SER VERFIED Lists! => http://gsa-verified-list.royserpa.com/
I'm not sure if someone else has asked this before, but I think would be great if there could be a box after going "Right Click Campaign">"Modify Project">"Duplicate">"Whatever of the 3 options is clicked" and in this box ask how many times you would like to duplicate a certain campaign.
It's tedious to go and do the same steps when I want to duplicate a campaign 10-15 times.
I do this to test my lists etc.
Anyway, I think many more people would love this.
Let's see what @Sven says!
It's tedious to go and do the same steps when I want to duplicate a campaign 10-15 times.
I do this to test my lists etc.
Anyway, I think many more people would love this.
Let's see what @Sven says!