Timing of Tiered Link Building
The other day I've been working on a tiered project of mine when I suddenly realised that the way I build links might be completely wrong, because I don't know how GSA SER builds links to verified links of another project if the upper tier project hasn't finished yet.
Let me explain to you what I mean using a simple example:
Say we have a project called T1 and another project T2 building links to the verified links of T1. Now let's say T1 has finished and successfully built and verified 10 links. When starting T2 now it'll start building links to these verified links of T1.

This is a little harder to explain, so I'll explain it, using another example.
Settings are:
T1 - Pause project after 1 submission
T2 - Pause project after 1 Submission per URL
IMPORTANT This isn't neccessarily how it works, it's how I assume it does
Tier1 builds 1 link: Link A
Tier 2 builds 1 link: 1 -> A
Tier 1 builds 1 link: Link B
Tier 2 builds 2 links: 1 -> A, 1 -> B
Tier 1 builds 1 link: Link C
Tier 2 builds 3 links: 1 -> A, 1 -> B, 1 -> C
Result: Link A is now backed up with 3 links, Link B with 2 and Link C with 1. If I keep this up, I'll eventually end up with an incredibly unbalanced link pyramid.
Let me explain to you what I mean using a simple example:
Say we have a project called T1 and another project T2 building links to the verified links of T1. Now let's say T1 has finished and successfully built and verified 10 links. When starting T2 now it'll start building links to these verified links of T1.
- My first question here: Does SER automatically build links evenly to all the verified links of T1 or is it possible that 1 link might get noticeably more backup from lower tiers than the other?
And now let's say I duplicate the project setup and create the exact same structure, but this time I let T1 and T2 run simulatenously, meaning T1 will continously add new links to the verified column, while T2 keeps building links to all verified T1 links.
- Will this setup make an even distribution of backup links from T2 pointing to T1 links impossible, or does SER 'remember' how many links it has built to each verified T1 link and try to keep things even?
And finally the last scenario is the exact same one like above, we let T1 and T2 run simultaneously, but this time we'll use SER's pause feature.

This is a little harder to explain, so I'll explain it, using another example.
Settings are:
T1 - Pause project after 1 submission
T2 - Pause project after 1 Submission per URL
IMPORTANT This isn't neccessarily how it works, it's how I assume it does
Tier1 builds 1 link: Link A
Tier 2 builds 1 link: 1 -> A
Tier 1 builds 1 link: Link B
Tier 2 builds 2 links: 1 -> A, 1 -> B
Tier 1 builds 1 link: Link C
Tier 2 builds 3 links: 1 -> A, 1 -> B, 1 -> C
Result: Link A is now backed up with 3 links, Link B with 2 and Link C with 1. If I keep this up, I'll eventually end up with an incredibly unbalanced link pyramid.
- My question here is: Is this how SER builds links if I have both T1 and T2 run simultaneously? Or does SER automatically even out the amound of links build to each link of the upper tier (which would mean that 'Pause the Project after XX submissions' would actually refer to the number of links build to each link in total and not per iteration, every time it gets unpaused)
I'd love to hear your opinions on this, since the answer to these questions are crucial for every tiered link project and would affect my whole approach on how and when to start building links.
If there's anything you need me to explain better, please let me know.