Wicked Article Creator OR Auto Content Writer?... please help me decide.
After looking at so many reviews and videos on these (all seemingly a year or two out of date), I just can't make up my mind which one to buy in 2014... I want to buy one of these today but can't decide.. can you help me?
My needs are, content I can pull into a wordpress blog and schedule the articles to be published daily purely by wordpress not by running the content generator daily.
Quickly and independently generate articles of any quality to import into SER as I find sometimes the search online content scraper (which probably is as good as either of these?) to be a little slow and I want to setup projects as fast as possible.
I am using ACW most of the time. Mostly on Tier 2s.. and yes on Tier 1s..
ACW in my opinion provides better articles than WAC.. i am not an expert but based on result and flexibility ACW is good.
I use WAC on lower tiers and filling up the necessary's in GSA SER. It definitely help get you better fillers than the out of the box one in ser.
So yeah good to have both of them, saves you time setting up your projects and it works.