Can't get Antigate to work fully

I don't understand how to get antigate working fully. What I want to do is use Antigate for reCaptcha, and everything else through CB. I've got the following setup across 5 machines running SER, yet it only seems to send 1 per minute to antigate?
Here are my settings from SER and CB:

I have also tried ticking the 'Send captcha to the following service > Antigate' but then it doesn't do anything in Antigate i.e. it seems no captchas are being solved at all? I have tested the API key and balance, they are fine.
Now, if I check this 'Send captcha to the following service > Antigate' option, then tick the 'toggle captcha service' under Other > Recaptcha, it doesn't do anything. Literally NO captchas (recaptcha or non-recaptcha) are being solved in CB, and nothing sent to Antigate.
The only way I can currently solve recaptcha is by using CB only, which obviously has very low rate.
Here are my settings from SER and CB:

I have also tried ticking the 'Send captcha to the following service > Antigate' but then it doesn't do anything in Antigate i.e. it seems no captchas are being solved at all? I have tested the API key and balance, they are fine.
Now, if I check this 'Send captcha to the following service > Antigate' option, then tick the 'toggle captcha service' under Other > Recaptcha, it doesn't do anything. Literally NO captchas (recaptcha or non-recaptcha) are being solved in CB, and nothing sent to Antigate.
The only way I can currently solve recaptcha is by using CB only, which obviously has very low rate.
Anyway, since Sven upgraded SER, I'm seeing mostly blob recaptchas, and it's a waste of money sending these to Antigate as the solve rate is very low. I'm sending my recaptchas to CaptchaTronix...
With that said I'm happy to try out CaptchaTronix. I have 5x SER copies running so I would need the top package I guess. Do you use it for ReCaptcha only or for all?
>so I would need the top package I guess
Its dashboard shows you your current threads used. If it hits your max threads most of the time, then you know it's time to upgrade. And upgrading/downgrading is almost instantaneous...