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pausing link building for 4 days big seo impact or no?

penumbrapenumbra Antarctica
My link building has stopped for like 4 days because of dedicated server problems will it cause big impact in my rankings or it will be normal again when i start buikding links again.


  • goonergooner
    It shouldn't make any difference. Google doesn't work on a per day basis.
    If you are worried about increase your volume for a few days to make up for the links lost.
  • What about Link Velocity though?

    Link Velocity is something like
    Week 1: You build 1 backlink to your website
    Week 2: You build 10
    Week 3: You build 80
    Week 4: You build 200

    Won't Google know something is up when you have 0 backlinks one day and 50 the next?
  • Just because you build 10 or 200 backlinks in a week it doesn't mean Google will see them all in the same week. And it's only 4 days, you will be fine, just build some links without a tier at let Google find them manually i.e. no tier as mentioned and no indexing, should take a good few days for them to be found so you'll still be gaining links in Google's eyes...

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