Why your proxies may be showing as google passed in SER / Scrapebox when really they're banned
Important video to watch for anyone having problems with their proxies..

It seems many people believe that the reason their proxies are getting banned is because they are checking the PR of domains constantly, but as this video confirms and in my experience, your proxies get banned much quicker using advanced operators like "inurl:footprint" than by checking PR.
The solution to this advanced operator block is to scrape by using either a mix of search engines including GG, or not to use GG at all, but since a lot of the footprints that SER uses use advanced operators, and as the advanced operators are mostly if not all designed for scraping GG, then you won't be getting the same results by as if you were only using the GG search engines for scraping.
So the choice is yours, but i just thought id post the link as it seems there's a lot of threads lately thinking that PR checking is the only reason their proxies are getting banned..

It seems many people believe that the reason their proxies are getting banned is because they are checking the PR of domains constantly, but as this video confirms and in my experience, your proxies get banned much quicker using advanced operators like "inurl:footprint" than by checking PR.
The solution to this advanced operator block is to scrape by using either a mix of search engines including GG, or not to use GG at all, but since a lot of the footprints that SER uses use advanced operators, and as the advanced operators are mostly if not all designed for scraping GG, then you won't be getting the same results by as if you were only using the GG search engines for scraping.
So the choice is yours, but i just thought id post the link as it seems there's a lot of threads lately thinking that PR checking is the only reason their proxies are getting banned..