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Download Failed Sock error: connection reset by peer

edited June 2014 in Need Help

I'm hoping someone can help with an issue that is occurring all the time. I have 50 semi proxies from buy proxies and running ser i'm getting very low if any links. In debug mode I am getting a Download Failed SockError: connection reset by peer message all the time as well as no results proxy might be blocked messages. I have threads at 100 and html timeout to 120. I'm also running on a VPS. Thanks in advance.


  • cherubcherub
    'connection reset by peer' means that the server you're attempting to contact has rejected your request. In other words, the proxy is blocked from accessing the url in question.
  • Thanks for the help. So i assume there is an issue with my proxies ? I'm also getting no results for --- proxy might be blocked message. When I test the proxies against google though they are all working. 

    Is there any other settings that I may have that could be causing the issue ? I have threads set to 100 and timeout at 120. VPS speed test is 56mbps.
  • 'connection reset by peer' means that seconds from the timeout has passed and the connection gets closed. Usually is a slow internet/proxy or the client is using too many connections from his internet  speed and each connections becomes very slow. But if your proxies are passing even on google, you should look for the problem on your settings/internet 
  • I have reduced my threads to 50. Timeout is still at 120 and now i'm getting a mixture of SockError: connection reset by peer and SockError: connection timeout mixed in with more submission data. 

    I'm now assuming the problem is with my VPS ? With 50 semi proxies that all pass on Google and a VPS speed test that averages 50-80mbps where should i look for the issue. Surely I should be able to have more than 50 threads with 50 proxies right. Are there any internet settings that need to be configured on the VPS ? 
  • This is happening to me too I never had this problem before?
  • SvenSven
    because you never had such error message details before. All I did is adding more details to the download failed message.
  • No I never had the threads get stuck before. I know they are getting stuck because I can't decrease the threads like before. If I manually try and do it, they don't just shoot back down like they did before.
  • SvenSven
    You have to leave the Box where you enter the number threads so they get applied.
  • edited June 2014
    I do. Like if I start GSA with 200 threads, then open Options then enter 100 and click OK. It just stays at 200?
    Before it would shoot down SUPER fast, now it gets stuck.

    Its also only using 0-1% cpu all the time which seems strange.
  • SvenSven
    Hard to see why it would do that. In case it stays like that for a while, try using the Send Bugreport from the help menu.
  • hello
    This is happening to me now
    How do you solve this problem
    Can you give me some help

  • I posted the same thing some days ago but there was no feedback. Something odd is happening for sure but I'm about to try the new update hopefully that works. My metrics have been in the sh-tter for probably more than a week now.
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