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Where to see the daily submitted and verified links number?

Is there a way I can see how many links I've submitted and verified on a daily basis? Let's say I want to see over the last 7 days how many verified links I've built, where do I go to see that?


  • edited June 2014
    Right click on project(s) -> show urls -> verified or submitted.
  • Hi @fakenickahl, is there a way to see it in totality for all my projects together instead of just on a project by project level?
  • @qwiz, select all your projects and click show verified. The leftmost column you can sort by latest date
  • @redspark, I did what you said, but it lists down by the urls built. I am after aggregate data to know roughly across all my projects, how many verifieds in total there are. I saw a button named 'stats', but with the chart, it only showed submitted, but not number of verifieds per day. Is there a way to see how many verified per day in total I have from all my projects?
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