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How to use verified list and scrape from search engines

Hi i have verified list from serlists and i want to use with gsa ser using the search engines as well.. List+search engines
I have checked the identified.. And use global settings. Unchecked all search engines

I want to use all of them at once.. How can we do this?


  • I saw a tutorial on YouTube where the guy checked use verified list and went over the options for search engines too. Is it possible to use both at the same time? Or is it one or the other?


  • ronron

    I have never used both at once. It is my belief that the pecking order of how SER looks for targets is this:

    1) Target URL Cache

    2) Global Site Lists Checked

    3) Search Engines

    If that is true (and I have always been under that impression), it may never end up using the search engines as you should already have enough targets from #1 and #2.

    There is no harm in trying. It will be very difficult (if not impossible) to tell where your targets and verified are coming from. Maybe the only thing that you will be able to see with your own eyes is a decrease in LPM or something like that.

    Personally, if you have a good list, it seems a little self-defeating to throw the search engines into the mix.

  • hmm,
    lets say i have a purchased verfied list.. how long should i be using this? for a month? or 2 months?
  • ronron
    @Molex - Man, that completely depends on how many projects, what your link limits on T1 are, your philosophy on reusing links on lower tiers, etc.

    If I had to pin the answer down to one thing it would be:

    How much life can I get out of contextual links for my T1, assuming I will only post once per property for any given project. If my average T1, say, makes only 20 verified links per day, and my list has 2000 contextuals in it, in theory I could use that list for 100 days (if I could get every single link to verify).

    That's not really possible for obvious reasons. The most obvious reason is that links get hammered, some sites will disappear due do bandwidth issues or simple connection errors, or simply are taken down as normal attrition.

    But I tend to look at my LPM. Obviously links will get pounded on all levels (contextual + junk), and after I see it gradually slipping every day, I do reach a point where it is time to move to a new list (at least in my opinion). I mean I can still get 100 LPM on older lists, but I want that link juice flowing up from the bottom very heavily. So I have my own subjective limits based on what I feel I need to stay ranking.

    Obviously I have a list business where we come out with a new one every two weeks, so for me the decision is made every two weeks. So I guess my answer is what I said above - it will likely be based on when you feel the linkjuice is slowing down enough to hurt you, so you grab a new list.

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