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Building tiered links to verified links

I am currently using @ron's tiered style of links building. What I did was I insert in the tier 1s manually built web 2.0 properties into GSA, then I fire up GSA to build tier 2s underneath these tier 1s. I then fire up tier 3s to automatically build links to the verified tier 2s.

My question is, I now have some sites that are dead in the manually built tier 1s, so I removed that, so that no future tier 2s will be built underneath it. But for the existing verified links that was built in the past, there are still live tier 2 articles that is pointing to these dead tier 1s. So obviously, the other project tier 3s will still be building links to these tier 2s that linked to dead tier 1s. Is there a smart way to automatically weed out those tier 2 links that linked to the dead teir 1s from GSA so I don't waste resources building links that doesn't pass to my money site anything?


  • ronron

    @qwiz - If you go into the T2 projects, pull up the verified links, and sort the column with the links that were built. Then just select and delete. Done.

  • Hi @ron, when you build your tiers, do you fire up tier 3s immediately together with tier 2s or do you wait awhile before firing up tier 3s so as to allow for the tier 2s to be more settled in terms of verified links getting deleted by the webmasters, so that you increase your chances of only building tier 3s to live tier 2s? If you do wait, how long do you wait?

  • ronron

    I do them at the same time. No point in waiting. And no risk in doing it right away. Try not to overanalyze what you do in the lower tiers.

    You are dealing in bulk on lower levels, so there will always be some small inefficiencies. So don't get caught up in perfection with a tiered structure if you get my drift. It is far more important to hit the gas pedal down there, and then let it do its thing while you then go on and do more things - like more websites :)

  • Thanks @ron, really appreciate your help, and I certainly learnt so much from you from the other threads.
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