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Question about Keywords and Anchor Text

I've been setting up some campaigns and reading stuffs but there are still some things that I'm not sure that I got right.

Keywords - My understanding:
Words that GSA will use to browse Search Engines ( Given that they were Checked on the Options Tab) and get links that you can post into
Words that GSA will use to filter whatever site or url lists that I loaded into the campaign

For example I loaded a 100k list, and my keyword is "Android". GSA will then proceed to filter the 100k list for potentials sites that matches Android. From the 100k list, only 1k is related to Android. GSA will now post to those 1k links. 
Additionally, I checked Google.NL on the Options Tab. GSA will now also query "Android" on and find websites that I can post to. 
-is  this right?

Anchor Text - 
As far as I know, anchor text traditionally refers to the phrase or words that contains the link, something that if I click, I will be redirected to the website on its link.
- Is this right when referring to GSA's anchor text?

As a continuation from my scenario above. Let's say I have 1k lists remaining from the original 100k. My anchor text is "how to reboot Android"
Will GSA
1. Filter the remaining 1k lists for something that matches  "how to reboot Android".  Let's say out of 1k, only 100 matches the anchor text. GSA will now post to those 100 links?    
2. GSA will post to ALL those 1k lists with stuffs and a sentence  "how to reboot Android" which will then link to my site?

Im trying to do some churn and burn, and scraping using GSA ( i have no scrapebox). But it seems Im getting very few links so i thought I might be doing something wrong. Thanks to whoever will answer me.


  • s4nt0ss4nt0s Houston, Texas
    Keywords - are used in SER when searching for platforms. By default, keywords aren't always used for a lot of platforms, only platforms where it makes sense. For example, SER might search google for "Powered by Wordpress" "your keyword". 

    This just helps to help bring in results related to your niche, but its far from perfect. If you want it to be even more specific you can go to the project options tab and check "at least x keywords must be present on the site". This means it will only post to websites that have your keyword actually listed on them. 

    Keywords might also be used for tags when signing up on certain platforms or depending on the option you set. If you import a list and your keyword is "android", SER isn't going to filter through the imported list to only post to websites containing android unless you check the option I mentioned earlier. 

    Yes if you checked Google.NL, that is the search engine it will use when searching for websites to leave your backlink.

    Anchor Text - Yes that is correct. 

    1) No, it doesn't go off your anchor text, it would go off your keywords and you would need to have the option selected that I mentioned above in order for it to only post to websites that have your keyword.

    2) Yes if you have your anchor text set as "how to reboot android" that is what it will be using to link to your website/URL. Keep in mind certain platforms have default anchor text that can't be changed that might say, "home page" or "click here". These platforms can be disabled though.
  • I see. If I understood your explanation about Keywords correctly, if I imported a 100k list, and I don't check the "at least x keywords must be present on the site", GSA will post to all 100k list?

    And if I imported a list but didn't select any of the Search Engines, then GSA will only post on my imported list and global list, and not look for other websites?

    Thank you.
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