GSA Adds new duplicate target URL's and "Remove Dublicate URLs" doesn't work on them

I'm testing my new scraped list and I noticed some weird things. What I'm doing is, I created a template project which I dublicate (only options and data) and then import target URL list (my list that I want to test) and accounts data. My list consists of about 44k sites, this list consists of unique URL's only (not unique domains, just urls)
First of all, here are the settings I use:

When I set status of template to active (target url list was empty) and started GSA, it added around 200 redirects to target url list and started link building on them.
GSA starts running, everything goes okay for a few minutes, then I go to "Show remaining target URLs" and I see there are 46k targets now, and I see some dublicate ones.
I try to remove duplicate url's, I get this response:

and then I check target url list again:

As you can see it doesn't delete the dublicate url's..
After 5-10 minutes, I check the target URL list again and I see there are 55k sites now:

Again, I delete the duplicates:

and check target list again:

Even though GSA removed some duplicate targets, there still are some duplicates left.. and I don't understand where does it get those extra targets, I have search engines disabled.
I had this problem in the past too, it definitely isn't a bug of a new version or something.
I would really appreciate it if you guys can briefly explain me why all this happens, do I miss something in settings?
Thanks in advance!