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Anchor text for a long list of names

DzilRelDzilRel ____'s Backyard

I have a website where I have a few thousand links that target names, products, etc. Is it possible to load all links in a single project, and use the names and products combined with a file that contains anchor text? I mean for productx, the anchor text to be productx, product x, pro duct x + the text taken from the file that contains phrases like learn, discover, bla bla bla. Something dynamic that works with all the links.

Thank you


  • Enter something like this in your Project's URL field,

    http;//{learn|discover|blah1|blah2|blah3} {productx1|product x1|pro duct x1}
    http;//{learn|discover|blah1|blah2|blah3} {productx2|product x2|pro duct x2}
    http;//{learn|discover|blah1|blah2|blah3} {productx1000|product x1000|pro duct x1000}

  • DzilRelDzilRel ____'s Backyard
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