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Site List Issue

I was going to try and clean up my site lists a bit so I moved all of my verified lists to the identifed folder. I removed all duplicate urls and domains. After some time when my identified lists just kept growing larger I unchecked all of my engines except for social networks to try and see what was going on.

I kept the program running until it had processed all the urls. When I checked the sitelists that I had been used they had both grown in size and there was also duplicate domains and urls again.

I was under the impression that I could move the urls in the identified folder to the other site list folders so I could better clean out the garbage urls. Clearly this doesn't work as I was hoping.

Would this be considered a bug or is it by design?


  • The only reason (off the top of my head), that SER would write to your global list files is if you've got the box next to the file path checked in the global options 'advanced' pop-up.

    Maybe check that first, if you haven't already?
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