Spamvilla VS (proxiesproxies OCR). They cost what they are worth? Which is better?
I 'm doing tests mutiples settings captchas . It is very frustrating that we do not have recent statistics Spamvilla and ( Reverseproxies OCR) . Now I use both because I'm testing .
But no statistics, but they say that they solve recaptcha but I just want resuevan recapcha me and others that are completely equal.
Do not know how to somehow get these two services statistics because I only have 30 days for both then just keep one.
What I can give you some advice . Put On (SER ) Always first CB and train with the SDK. The more you solve captchas with CB least send Spamvilla and do not limit the threads that you have hired. I do not want ( ocr reversoproxies ) or spamvilla solve captchas for me to resolve with CB
Can anyone comment if you have statistics which of the two is better in Recaptcha services and the like. The other captchas I do not, I do not care who says Spamvilla resulven 500 types of captcha , recaptcha only interested me .
Because if your score is as low as I think, not worth using either . SI recaptcha have a resolution of below 30 % , DBC rather pay and not use these two systems
Someone can give me your opinion with data. Has anyone tried both but measured ? I do not know how to have success statistics of these two systems OCR
I think using DBC will work out extremely expensive
But i like reliable support.
I can tell you 100% is not money wasted, i use some servers with OCR and some without... Guess which gets more links?
So, OCR definitely works to an extent but your question is valid, how effective is it really?
I would be interested to know too.