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Spamvilla VS (proxiesproxies OCR). They cost what they are worth? Which is better?

I 'm doing tests mutiples settings captchas . It is very frustrating that we do not have recent statistics Spamvilla and ( Reverseproxies OCR) . Now I use both because I'm testing .

But no statistics, but they say that they solve recaptcha but I just want resuevan recapcha me and others that are completely equal.

Do not know how to somehow get these two services statistics because I only have 30 days for both then just keep one.

What I can give you some advice . Put On (SER ) Always first CB and train with the SDK. The more you solve captchas with CB least send Spamvilla and do not limit the threads that you have hired. I do not want ( ocr reversoproxies ) or spamvilla solve captchas for me to resolve with CB

Can anyone comment if you have statistics which of the two is better in Recaptcha services and the like. The other captchas I do not, I do not care who says Spamvilla resulven 500 types of captcha , recaptcha only interested me .

Because if your score is as low as I think, not worth using either . SI recaptcha have a resolution of below 30 % , DBC rather pay and not use these two systems

Someone can give me your opinion with data. Has anyone tried both but measured ? I do not know how to have success statistics of these two systems OCR


  • royalmiceroyalmice WEBSITE: ---> | SKYPE:---> asiavirtualsolutions
    I use spamvilla, and while it is not perfect i belive it is the most economical option and in adition they seem to be training there OCR on the new Recapcha Captchas.

    I think using DBC will work out extremely expensive
  • goonergooner
    Reverse Proxies for me, i don't know which has better solve rates.
    But i like reliable support.
  • But someone out lha Statistics ? I use both and the impression I get is that it does not recognize recaptcha , maybe just say 20% but does not think they are accurate.

    The statistics have not makes me suspicious . I put CB first and I 'm skipping many motors that serve only recaptcha recaptcha or equal to . Over 70 % of captcha I receive are Recaptcha type , the other 30% is what I do with CB well trained.

    How I can try and get Spamvilla Statistics , to see what is said to recognize if it is true ? . I want to measure both spamvilla as ( ocr reverseproxies ) . I think it's money wasted . I think I paid $ 90 this month to try both give in to almost 80,000 captchas DBC

    What is the best recognizer service recaptcha ? I do not care the price, which is the best?

    I do not care to pay more or less, but that things are done right . Pay Spamvilla or ( ocr reverseproxies ) that can give as much 20% or less of recaptcha , I gain nothing . Recaptcha just want that for the rest I have CB and DBC

    I think we all take the hair with these services , we pay without knowing exactly the percentage of correct , services fall ..... You can not go blindly paying without knowing exactly what they are giving me the money
  • goonergooner
    You can test it and let us know the result :)

    I can tell you 100% is not money wasted, i use some servers with OCR and some without... Guess which gets more links?

    So, OCR definitely works to an extent but your question is valid, how effective is it really?
    I would be interested to know too.
  • MEga ocr  more slow low rate

    Captcha tronix  , low rate

    EVE  low rate, pay por CPM resolve,

    My new config
    1.-  Spamvilla   (only hard captchas)
    2.- (reverseproxie ocr)   , only hard captchas
    3 CB, unselect mollon and clon of recaptcha
    4 - Spamvilla   (for other captcha)
    5 (reverseproxies ocr) for all captchas and clon recaptcha
    6 DBC
    7 Askmebot

    Repeat Spamvilla and (reverseproxies)are the same accounts , only the first effort to (GSA SER) to just send the hardest captchas (mean solve, recaptcha and mollon ) , also happens not captchas strong for CB that will not solve in any case resolves wrong

    Depues CB and CB again after Spamvilla and ( ocr reverseproxies ) but now costs them everything after CB . Because there are lots clone Recaptcha other names, are always 300x57 ( should have an option to ignore sizes captchas ), then biene DBC and finally Askmebot .

    With this change and play with the OCR systems , I have gone through the same wires in (GSA SER) have 3-4 to 8-12 lpm . The presentations are the same but are much more successful with this configuration of captchas . (only hard captchas ) is a very good option . But I still think CB should be some option for certain skip them sizes , because 300x57 is always or captcha or a clone of it, and therefore do not want CB to process , because it never succeeds or not solved or solved very wrong, and for that I'd rather you do if others recognize Recaptcha OCR .

    The other OCRS I've had no sense. EVE pay for CPM to $ 0.5 solve recaptcha , went up several and was not able to solve it and those who were not resolved well todoso

    Mega ocr muyyy slow , low confidence

    Tronix Captcha is like CB but monthly payment, solves a lot of simple captchas , but nothing and no mollon recaptcha . I hired and returned it in less than an hour. As like putting the service together with CB and view their hit rate , not worth it .

    By now Spamvilla + ocr reverseproxies configured first as I have just forced hard captchas and a runoff after CB has increased at twice the me confidence.

    @ Sven a call option to skip certain captchas would be a lifesaver for my size . I have to be watching CB to see reCAPTCHAs clone come to discard , but often the same motoro may have reCAPTCHAs and other than at a time , skipping only by size 300x57 would make me extremely happy and could refine more this configuration for better success of resolution of captchas .
  • Within the poor performance of recaptcha in general, which makes it far better for me is spamvilla, and not only that, it is the most used type of captcha today. Spamvilla for lack of a better is essential, but it does not solve other as Mollom 

    ReverseProxies OCR recaptcha but also succeeds in less, but it makes recognizing Mollon another widely used, and many other types of captchas 

    If you only going to use one (Reverseproxies OCR) is the best option, but I want to have more success rate and more combine as described above with great results. If only you have an account you can put twice in GSA BE before with (only hard captchas) and after CB CB for everything it can
  • we are going to add 1k captcha (aka our new universal ocr is on the way) and new training is going on on recently (last week changed recaptcha as well) as i would suggest order after a week and you wont regret using is :)
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