Skip to content{kw1,kw2} and filter page for keyword option

Poster allow to ensure a page have a certain keyword to post to. If i define in url:{kw1,kw2} Anyway for the filter keyword to use kw1 or kw2 as filter on target page content?


  • SvenSven
  • Thank you Sven, nice feature.

    Is the following TRUE, or FALSE ?

    1) Tageting content on page for "kw4" will post url2, but NOT url1
    2) All kw1,kw2,kw3,kw4 are ALL checked against page content 
    3) if kw1 is "s", content "usa" will triger the filter as positive
    4) if kw1 is "s", content "<script>" will triger the filter as positive

  • SvenSven
    Hmm maybe I understood you not correctly. The syntax is URL#{anchor1|anchor2|...}
  • ok, Sven

    Let s say i enter:
    URL1#{anchor1|anchor2}    URL2#{anchor3|anchor4} 

    1) Tageting content on page for "anchor4" will post URL2, but NOT url1, Yes or No?
    2) All anchor1,anchor2,anchor3,anchor4 are ALL checked against page content , Yes or No?
    3) if anchor1is "s", content "usa" will triger the filter as positive, Yes or No?
    4) if anchor1is "s", content "<script>" will triger the filter as positive, Yes or No?

    One more time, thank you really for your very helpful answer.
  • SvenSven

    1) yes

    2-4) I don't understand...what filter?

  • This all thread is about filtering on page content before to post (post only if page have keyword in content, or url). My goal is to post ONLY on website i am sure my Anchor (anchor1,2....) are already present inside the content, so my links are niche related. So, if i have several url, with different anchor, i want to ensure it will select the right url to post (and not a random one). Exemple, let s say the page i want to post url have the following content: "I am a busy guy but always time for a beer" And my url are: Http://{coca|pepsi},{bud,pills} My goal is gsa to select as url to use.
  • SvenSven
    Ahh now I understand. So no, thats not working. You need to split the project up in one for each niche. Then you can use the option to always search with keyword and use !keyword in the page content filter box.
  • Ok Sven. Thank you.
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