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Proxies not working on dedicated server

I have a big problem with ser.

I have 10 private proxies which work - i have tested them with ser, tested them with some other tools and directly in a browser.

I run ser on my home computer and it all works fine - proxy test is ok i get no submission errors.
I run ser on my dedicated server - proxy test is ok, however i get "download failed (proxy: 123.456.789.000) for about 90% of the links (i'm running a verified links list).

What can cause this problem? Is this related to ser or to my dedicated server? I'm running the same version of windows 7 on my home PC and on the dedicated server.


  • SvenSven
    Whats the timeout and threads setting for submission?
  • @Sven

    Timeout : 150
    Threads: 200 (i even tried with 25 threads, same problem)

    Server can handle it, it's a dual xeon. Proxies can handle the connection, they're private proxies from buyproxy and they work perfectly on my home pc using the settings above.
  • Oh and by the way, on my home pc, in submission settings i have "skip for identification" unchecked - and it works ok. On my dedicated server, i also have it unchecked but it doesn't work. If i check it, it works ok, but i'm afraid about getting a complaint from my server provider as i don't know what the "skip for identification" setting actually does.
  • SvenSven
    Hmm that looks ok to me.
  • @Sven - so should i have "skip for identification" checked? what does that setting actually do?
  • SvenSven
    it will not use a proxy for the first download to see what kind of engine this might be. No submission is taking place on there.
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