In my eyes Wordpress, Drupal, Buddypress and Xpressengine are the best platforms SER has.
1linklistFREE TRIAL Linklists - VPM of 150+ -
Second what Shaun says. Remember quantity is important, but quality is important to; and Buddypress and Drupal sites (Typically) have much higher stats than Xpressengine etc. (Probably because they have become increasingly harder to post to.)
When it comes to SER, my opinion is that any contextual platform that indexes is "quality". So I agree with @shaun, those 4 are the best, and until one starts indexing at a significantly lower rate than the rest I consider them all equals.
@redrays you noticed any changes recently to your K2 list? I remember a few threads a few weeks ago about the K2 script being broken but they started a few days after the newest version of Joomla was released so im guessing it had something to do with that and they have done something to the CMS.
But the ones that are verifying are actually pretty decent links. I'm getting no where near as many verified as I used to though. Gone from just over 12,000 K2s on my verified list down to 1100 so just less than 10% are still working.
Anyway going to use them in this new project i'm starting and see how it goes.