Fewer Submitted than Verified Links?
Got a short question for the community:
How's it possible that I get more verified than submitted directly from the beginning? I'm using a verified list and once I started the project, the first thing that happened 5-10 links got instantly verified, even before a single link was submitted.
I get that if submitted links time out, the number of submitted links decreases and may even get lower than the number of verified links, but how can 5 times more links be verified than I actually submitted and even get verified in the first place, if no link was submitted at this point?
How's it possible that I get more verified than submitted directly from the beginning? I'm using a verified list and once I started the project, the first thing that happened 5-10 links got instantly verified, even before a single link was submitted.
I get that if submitted links time out, the number of submitted links decreases and may even get lower than the number of verified links, but how can 5 times more links be verified than I actually submitted and even get verified in the first place, if no link was submitted at this point?
Maybe it happened too quickly you didn't see it. Check the log.