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How to reprocess with new criteria?

varthdavervarthdaver Sydney, Australia
Doh!  No wonder my LpM was so low.  I had used "Select by Language" on the "Skip sites from the following countries" in Project Options, but forgot to toggle afterwards.  And since the box next to it excluded everything that wasn't English, I was only posting to the thin sliver of English sites hosted in non-English countries.  Damn.

So, how do I get SER to reprocess all the stuff it's skipped?  Or will the glorious software do this automatically for me?


  • SvenSven
    delete the target url history and start again (import target urls again if you had done that).
  • varthdavervarthdaver Sydney, Australia
    Thank you so much, Sven.  This is very very helpful. :)
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