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Gsa ser proxy question?

I would like to ask if for ranking or verified links

Which proxy is to be used? Google passed? Anonymous? Or elite?

Which proxy will be better to have higher verified links submitted?

Pr checking and submissions is ticked..
Thread 50
Html timeout.


  • Unless you want your ISP to recieve spam complaints then you should only use private proxies for submission. Even though your public proxies test as anonymous, they can still leak your proxy in some way. However to answer your question, google passed for pr checking and elite should be the best option for you. If you're scraping google, you'd also want proxies that aren't burnt yet for scraping.
  • edited May 2014
    If i only get 10 private proxy where would i use them with heavy load of threads around 100+
    Pr checking = public proxy( elite or google passed proxy whether anonymous or elite)
    For submissions = private proxy (10)

    Is this correct?

    Another question.. Should the proxy be google passed to be used for pr checking? Or just plain elite, anonymous proxy?
  • I'd do as you're suggesting.

    The proxies should be google pr passed. I've seen evidence that a proxy that has been banned from making search queries will still be able to do pr checking until it's banned from this. I'd use elite and anonymous.
  • So its better to have an working elite proxy and anonymous proxy for pr checking rather than working elite or anonymous google passed proxy?
    Im confused.. Should it be google passed? Or its okay if its just a working proxy elite or anonymous
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