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#file_links not working inside URL/Keywords fields


I've been troubleshooting my setup and trying to get #file_links to pull from a .txt document following a path [C:\gsainput\urls\sampleurllist.txt

The files are in "" format, but don't pull data from the txt files when running the Test button in the Project Data window.

Is this the correct format, or should it be done another way? The url list and keyword list match each other on their respective lines, so line 1 on the url list matches line 1 on the keyword list, etc etc.

Any help would be great. Thanks!


  • SvenSven
    whats the exact syntax you use?
  • Not sure I understand completely.

    The URLs list is set up "", the keyword list is #keyword, and the path is #file_links [C:\gsainput\urls\sampleurllist.txt] for both lists.
  • SvenSven
    That should work just fine. However skip the space between #file_links and the [.
  • Every 5 minutes, it's coming back with "Reloading URL Settings" in the lower half of SER. Zero links have bene built so far. Is there a setting I'm missing?

  • SvenSven
    Hmm thats actually indicating it is reloading the URLs with that macro...Please message me the exact macro in pm and maybe the file itself so I can debug.
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